'Blueberries & Pie Filling Freeze Dried in my Harvest Right Freeze Dryer. Food Storage Healthy Snack'

04:04 Dec 12, 2021
'If you enjoy my videos, like, subscribe and share them.  ************************************* Check out the Zaycon Fresh online company that offers beef, poultry, seafood and pork for discount pricing, hormone free and humane animal treatment; http://zayconfresh.com/refer/zf414878  **************************************   Freeze dried fresh blueberries and 3 cans of apple and peach pie filling using my Harvest Right Home Freeze Dryer. I returned the pie filling trays to the dryer and added another 1.5 hours to dry. Check out my Face Book freeze drying group called, Betty\'s Harvest Right Freeze Dryers Group.   Betty       My Facebook Group Link;   https://www.facebook.com/groups/BettysHarvestRightFreezeDryersGroup' 

Tags: home , lunch , Food , dessert , fruit , kids , camping , Treats , storage , right , harvest , drying , #harvestright , Freeze-dryer , Freeze -dryer , Muffins pancakes jam jelly , Preserves astronaut pantry , Harvest-r

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