'How I Became: Sorted Food (With Jamie Spafford)'

15:00 Apr 2, 2023
'Help us interview more of the people you love! http://bit.ly/SupportHIB Subscribe to Sorted Food - http://bit.ly/SORTEDJAMIE Tweet at us who you want next! - http://twitter.com/HowIBecame  Sorted Food was created by Jamie Spafford, Ben Ebbrell, Michael Huttlestone and Barry Taylor (others were involved). They wanted to make simple recipes for uni students across the UK. Now they broadcast to millions of people all over the world, still teaching them all how to cook simple and easy recipes!   How I became is a series where we talk to various YouTubers and see how and why they started making videos. Our aim is to show the effort and skill needed to become the YouTubers you look up to and watch everyday. Every YouTuber starts from 0 subscribers and we want to know their journey from there. From their username to their future goals, we discuss all aspects of a YouTubers rise to fame (and fortune!). Not every YouTuber starts off the same, many without any kind of professional video editing or formal production training at all. YouTube really highlights the American Dream, how anyone can become someone and nothing is impossible. Whether it be timing, luck or pure ingenuity, we want to find out the work behind making the videos which adds to the hundreds of millions of views YouTube gains everyday. YouTube has revolutionised the way we intake media, with on demand video blowing up since the launch in 2005. Advertisers, which didn\'t come on board straight away, now spend more on YouTube than most other traditional media services. YouTube has become a job for so many and will become a career for some, we want to talk to them and tell you how it all started!  Music: Broke For Free \"The Great\" http://bit.ly/1feXXQz The Great by Broke For Free is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.' 

Tags: how to , Cooking , Food , Recipes , youtubers , education , youtuber , interview , videos , famous , job , vlogging , cooking show , future , teach , citv , canon , creation , group , full time , career , Video Blog (Industry) , sorted , sorted food , mike huttlestone , jamie spafford , fridgecam , ben ebbrell , barry taylor , 60d

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