'30 MIN Full-Body MILITARY MONDAY Killer HIIT Workout - No Equipment, No Repeat, Advanced'

'30 MIN Full-Body MILITARY MONDAY Killer HIIT Workout - No Equipment, No Repeat, Advanced'
35:41 Apr 3, 2023
'New week, means new Killer Military Monday HIIT workout for you guys! You can expect 30 minutes of hardcore HIIT exercises focusing on strengthening all the major muscle groups, finishing with 5 minutes of cool-down stretches. Stand up straight,  and bring your energy! Let\'s get it done!  Please remember that we all are different and that you can make this your OWN workout... take a longer break when you need to.  WORKOUT DETAILS   

Tags: fitness , Workout , abs , core workout , core strength , home workout , core , abs workout , muscle , leg workout , sixpack , hiit workout , hiit , crossfit , pamela reif , wod , workout of the day , abnehmen , bauchmuskeln , sixpack workout , growingannanas , fett verbrennen workout , intense hiit , diät , schlank werden , home workout crossfit , abs core , bauchworkout , sichtbare bauchmuskeln , fett verbrennen , fett abbauen , fett verlieren , definieren , Bauch übungen , how to Get a sixpack

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