'Kids, toddlers, and babies can chugga-chug and choo choo along with Katie in this fun train song for children. Enjoy and thanks for watching! Vocals by: Denisa Senovsky, Written by: Denisa Senovsky, Robert Neil Cole Music Production: Michael Creber and Denisa Senovsky Illustrations by: Denisa Senovsky, www.clker.com (royalty free clip art) Video Editor: Nina Helene Hirten Copyright: Katie Cutie Entertainment'
Tags: children songs , kids songs , kids music , music for kids , choo choo train , fun songs for kids , train song , train song for kids , katie cutie kids tv , katie cutie , fun song for children , the train song , train song for children , train song for toddlers , kids train song , childrens train song , choo choo train song
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