'How to Make a Ramen Burger'

05:39 May 26, 2023
'Well, you asked for it... so how the dickens could we say no?! Here is how to make the latest food craze to hit the universe... The Ramen Noodle Burger.   In case you haven\'t heard of it, it\'s the newest craze to takeover from Cronuts, straight out of a Brooklyn food market. Started by Keizo Shimamoto it\'s the result of Japanese and American food culture colliding... and it tastes pretty damn good!  Find the full ingredients/recipe over here: http://sortedfood.com/ramenburger  Here\'s what else we\'ve been cooking this week... Chicken and Chorizo Puff Pie: http://sortedfood.com/chickenpuffpie Focaccia Bread: http://sortedfood.com/focaccia @ The Table: Egg Custard Tarts: http://sortedfood.com/eggcustardtarts Feel Good Food: Ultimate Truffle Chocolate Cake: http://sortedfood.com/ultimatetrufflecake  Wanna become an awesome home cook? Sign up to our Sidekick app and be the hero of your kitchen: https://bit.ly/3tfFgsR' 

Tags: Cooking , Recipe , eating , Food , best , burger recipe , food porn , How-to (Media Genre) , the best , ultimate , burgers , sorted , sortedfood , sorted food , ramen noodles , Hamburger (Dish) , fusion food , fridgecam , Best ever , Ramen (Dish) , fridge cam , ramen burger , ramen burger recipe , japanese burger , ramen noodle burger

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