'Frogs Legs & Snails (ft. Danisnotonfire & AmazingPhil)'

06:33 May 26, 2023
'We cook frogs\' legs and snails at the Google Creative Sandbox in Cannes and then feed them to Dan and Phil! That\'s pretty much all you need to know!  Go look at Dan: http://www.youtube.com/danisnotonfire Go look at Phil: http://www.youtube.com/AmazingPhil  Here are the links to this week\'s recipes: Beer Can Chicken: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HM9JvXwl97U Fruity French Toast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDYjsU68gBc Grilled Tikka Pineer: http://sortedfood.com/tikkapaneer Chocolate S\'more Cheesecake: http://sortedfood.com/chocolatesmorecake  Wanna become an awesome home cook? Sign up to our Sidekick app and be the hero of your kitchen: https://bit.ly/3tfFgsR' 

Tags: Cooking , Recipe , Food , FRANCE , How to cook , funny , Chicken , amazing , lol , epic , fail , dan , french , French Toast , cannes , sorted , sortedfood , snails , s'more , French Food (Cuisine) , fridgecam , phil , dan and phil , amazingphil , danisnotonfire , frogs legs , Frog Legs (Dish) , escargot , fridge cam , beer chicken , Snail (Animal) , Cannes Lions , amazing phil , dan is not on fire , google sandbox , Lions festival , Dan Howell (Person)

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