'This video shows how I mix and match using the Essence Cosmetics lightening and darkening drops with the #INSTAPERFECT foundation. Products used: - #Instaperfect shade 60 - Lightening drops - Darkening Drops - Banana Powder - Makeup Fixing Setting Spray - Glow Boosting Pore Minimizing Primer - Melted Chrome Liquid Lipstick Much Love, Nuzhah ---- IG: @nuzhahjacobs Facebook: Nuzhah Jacobs Twitter: @TheNuzhah Website: www.nuzhahjacobs.com Check out the other #TEAMFLAWLESS ladies: Mihlali Ndamase, Jessica Van Heerden, Refiloe Vera'
Tags: tutorial , makeup , review , essence , makeupblogger , essencecosmetics , capetown , bffgoals , SOUTHAFRICANBEAUTYBLOGGER , teamflawless , essencedrops , essence foundations , essence shade extensions , instaperfect , beyourselfie
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