'Hey peeps today\'s video is me testing out Rihanna\'s Makeup PLEASE If you have kids, little cuzzo\'s, niece and nephew\'s share this.. AJATESTERS! https://youtu.be/fF6R9Z2kYNk New video small children testing out candy food etc.. ! F A C E Clean and Clear Dual Action Moisturizer LA Colors Face Primer Clear La Colors Conceal it Up In Deep LA Girl Cosmetics Pressed Powder Cappicnou La Colors I heart Makeup palette setting powder NYX Cosmetics Foundaion Sieana E Y E S Tarte Cosmetics Man eater Bh cosmetics ItsjudytimePalette Elf Cream Eyeliner Xlash Cosmetics LA Color Dolly Lashes Lips Lip Liner : Wet and Wild Khol Icon Lip pencil Shimma Brown Lipstick : Wet and Wild Lipstick Bare it all Lip Gloss : Bright and Beauty Lipgloss PLEASE If you have kids, little cuzzo\'s, niece and nephew\'s share this.. AJATESTERS! https://youtu.be/fF6R9Z2kYNk New video small children testing out candy food etc.. ! Worldpress ▷ MY BLOG http://www.Worldpress.com/MakeupbyDionnaD ▷ Vlog
Tags: makeup , routine , first impressions , rihanna makeup , rihanna makeup tips , tips rihanna uses in her makeup routine , highlighter before foundation tips , slay2beauty , makeuptips you should try , tips for dryskin
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