'get ready with me for the ESSENCE COSMETICS LAUNCH EVENT'

03:49 Jul 15, 2023
'TEAM FLAWLESS launch in Johannesburg South African and I’m letting you guys get ready with me.   SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss more essence videos coming soon: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIw7Fsv6FLIUAkpqEQUjQ6A?sub_confirmation=1  Binge watch more essence videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuzglm7vBmFyZdCKLZNZoMUlhEiqcVZA9  __________________________________ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA  INSTAGRAM: @Jessica_vanheerden  https://www.instagram.com/jessica_vanheerden/ FACEBOOK: Jessica van Heerden https://m.facebook.com/jessica.vanheerden.5?ref=br_rs&__nodl  ______________________________________________________________ FOR BUSINESS CONTACT, SPONSORSHIP & COLLABORATIONS please contact vheerdenjessica@gmail.com   Thank you for your love and support  

Tags: grwm , get ready with me , essence , flawless , essence cosmetics , TEAM FLAWLESS

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