'The FASTEST way to stop a CRAVING (takes 2 min or less)'

'The FASTEST way to stop a CRAVING (takes 2 min or less)'
09:39 Jul 18, 2023
'Learn my favorite 3-step routine to STOP cravings in their tracks! Do this whole routine in 2 min or less! You’ll be amazed at how well it works!  You know that CRAVINGS are the #1 threat to your efforts to stay on track with healthy eating and weight loss. In this video I’m giving you the fastest way to STOP a craving (doesn’t matter if it’s sugar cravings, cravings for carbs or anything else) with my simple 3-step go-to routine that you can use anywhere, anytime, no matter who you’re with or how you’re feeling!   Give this one a try for sure and let me know how it goes!!  During the video I reference this other video: The 5 Things Triggering 99% of your Unhealthy Eating Habits - https://youtu.be/mfdD_VwCPHk  0:00 My 3-Step Routine 1:02 Step 1: Pause 2:58 Step 2: Notice Your Trigger 4:48 Step 3: Reframe  WATCH THIS VIDEO NEXT on the One Big Mindset Shift that will help you take what you KNOW about Healthy Eating and Actually DO it CONSISTENTLY - https://youtu.be/cp3ISdg-vi8   SAY “HI” ON SOCIAL: Join the “Conquer the Food Fight” Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conquerthefoodfight  Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/sarabestnutrition/   Get a Copy of MY BOOK: https://sarabest.com/turning-off-the-tap/  Video YouTube URL:   #SaraBest' 

Tags: food cravings , how to stop cravings , how to stop eating sugar , how to stop cravings for junk food , how to stop cravings at night , how to stop cravings and lose weight , sugar cravings , how to stop craving sugar , how to quit sugar , how to stop sugar cravings , stop sugar cravings , how to stop craving carbs , how to break sugar addiction , the fastest way to stop a craving , how to stop eating sugar and lose weight , how to stop eating sugar at night

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