Jul 24, 2023
'Here\'s a haul of a recent Priceline visit. Thanks for watching and for your support. Please comment and subscribe to see more videos. SOCIAL MEDIA: Makeup and beauty blog: http://langshipley-deannasworld.blogspot.com.au/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/langshipley (this is the best way to reach me, I will always respond to this the fastest). Twitter: @langshipley https://twitter.com/langshipley Instagram: @langshipley http://instagram.com/langshipley Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/langshipley/ Keek: http://www.keek.com/langshipley Cooking blog: http://dazinthekitchen.blogspot.com.au/ For advertising opportunities, please email: [email protected]'
Tags: haul , makeup haul , drugstore haul , Priceline , priceline haul , Priceline.com (Organization)
See also: