'Law 8: Fat is Back | 10 Laws Of Muscle-Building'

03:43 Jul 26, 2023
'While fats have been feared for many years, several fats have unique benefits that can support your goals! Find out which fats will lead you to greater gains in a shorter period of time.  View the Full Article | http://bbcom.me/1NYYNBG Dymatize Nutrition Products | http://bbcom.me/1NkEHPK  After years of trying to eliminate fat from our diets, we now know that fat is beneficial to our health and wellbeing. Fats not only serve as a fuel source for our muscles, but also have structural roles within the muscle that can help support greater increases in muscle size and strength.  Learn more about this important macro!  Bodybuilding.com | SALES & SPECIALS | http://bbcom.me/1M1kX2d FITNESS ARTICLES | http://bbcom.me/1PuUeSf #1 ONLINE SUPPLEMENT STORE | http://bbcom.me/1GncYjv FREE FITNESS PLANS | http://bbcom.me/1jQBsHz    Follow Us | YOUTUBE | http://bit.ly/1RSJFa4 FACEBOOK | http://on.fb.me/1lomhpr INSTAGRAM | http://bit.ly/1LzBxab TWITTER | http://bit.ly/1RSJQlL GOOGLE+ | http://bit.ly/1NRe8qu PINTEREST | http://bit.ly/1OOZgY4 SPOTIFY | http://spoti.fi/1NRebm0   We are Bodybuilding.com. Your transformation is our passion. We are your personal trainer, your nutritionist, your supplement expert, your lifting partner, your support group. We provide the technology, tools and products you need to burn fat, build muscle and become your best self.' 

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