'More Celebrity News ►► http://bit.ly/SubClevverNews Wait a second… did Kylie cosmetics just COPY Fenty Beauty?! Well… the Rihanna Navy certainly seems to think so! When Rihanna launched Fenty Beauty back in September, fans went CRAZY when they found out the collection would include a range of 40 different shades of foundation. RiRi said of her makeup line, QUOTE, “I wanted things that I love. Then I also wanted things that girls of all skin tones could fall in love with.” We LOVE that Rihanna made such an inclusive makeup line, and now, it seems like Kylie Cosmetics may have taken note! Kylie Cosmetics took to their Instagram page just yesterday with the news that they will be releasing 30 unique shades of concealer, with a range of colors from, QUOTE “fair to deep dark” on December 13th, just in time for the holidays! As you can probably imagine, it didn’t take social media long to clap back against Kylie with accusations that this new concealer totally rips off of Fenty Beauty’s diverse foundation collection. One Fenty fan completely roasted Kylie on Twitter, saying, QUOTE, “You will never be Fenty Beauty #YouTried,” with another Twitter user adding, QUOTE, “Happy for the inclusion but Kylie hunnie, we see it for what it is! Sticking to Fenty Beauty tho!” And while it’s safe to say that many Rihanna fans are irked that Kylie took her makeup line in a similar direction, others were there to remind everyone that this level of inclusivity in makeup is actually a good thing, even if she was inspired by Bad Gal to do it in the first place. “At the end of the day, this is what we wanted to happen. Rihanna’s launch was supposed to push the industry to be more inclusive. Kudos to Kylie and others for getting that,” someone on Twitter explained. So what do you guys think of Kylie’s new, 30-shade line of concealers? Did she totally rip off Rihanna? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below, and then click to the left to find out more info about the poem that Taylor Swift wrote for Vogue. Thanks for watching Clevver News, I’m your host Sinead de Vries and I’ll see you next time! For More Clevver Visit: There are 2 types of people: those who follow us on Facebook and those who are missing out http://facebook.com/clevver Keep up with us on Instagram: http://instagr.am/Clevver Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ClevverTV Website: http://www.clevver.com Add us to your circles on Google+: http://google.com/+ClevverNews Tweet Me: http://www.twitter.com/Sineaddevries'
Tags: ENTERTAINMENT , News , kylie jenner , Kylie cosmetics , newsfeed , clevver news , rihanna , Rihanna FENTY , kylie cosmetics concealer
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