'new year\'s eve makeup'

04:38 Aug 28, 2023
'New Year’s Eve is just around the corner and Kat is here to help you look your very best on the biggest night of the year. With a glamorous and festive smokey eye look with a pop of purple, you will easily outshine fireworks and garlands. Welcome 2019 by feeling and looking amazing. Happy New Year!   products mentioned in #newyearsmakeup  eyebrow stylist set 01 http://bit.ly/eyebrowstylistset01  lash and brow gel mascara http://bit.ly/lashandbrowgelmascara  i love colour intensifying eyeshadow base  mattifying compact powder 70 http://bit.ly/mattifyingcompactpowder  longlasting eye pencil 01 http://bit.ly/longlastingeyepencil01  melted chrome eyeshadow 03 http://bit.ly/meltedchromeeyeshadow03  glow to go highlighter palette 10 http://bit.ly/glowtogohighlighterpalette10  matt touch blush 10 http://bit.ly/matttouchblush10e  colour boost mad about matte liquid lipstick 01 http://bit.ly/colourboostmadaboutmatteliquidlipstick01  instant matt make-up setting spray http://bit.ly/InstantMattMakeUpSettingSprayNYEM   let’s connect ❤  instagram: https://www.instagram.com/essence_cosmetics/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/essence-cosmetics-195136217626536/?brand_redir=139351150086 website: https://www.essence.eu essence tv: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1qDJVN8X_k2ln4V93UJqLg  follow our essence cosmetics’ team  Regitze https://www.instagram.com/makeupgitze/   Miriam https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZduLXaRUBZ1q963iamuFGA  Katrine  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChB9zP4xfD47zMIT2DvcoRQ   MB01IJWLXLHWBI9' 

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