'lady gaga golden globes makeup'

05:36 Oct 2, 2023
'The title of the best beauty look at the Golden Globes 2019 definitely belonged to Lady Gaga. We loved how Lady Gaga makeup look matched perfectly the cool blue tones of her Cinderella-esque dress. In this makeup tutorial Miriam will show you how to recreate the ice-queen makeup using essence cosmetics. She incorporated silver and black eyeshadows and paired it with nude dewy lips. Awake your inner Lady Gaga and impress the Paparazzi!   products mentioned in #ladygagamakeup  I love colour intensifying eyeshadow base  long lasting eye pencil 01 http://bit.ly/longlastingeyepencil1  melted chrome eyeshadow 05 http://bit.ly/meltedchromeeyeshadow5  long lasting eye pencil 05 http://bit.ly/longlastingeyepencil5  beauty secrets fancy lashes http://bit.ly/beautysecretsfancylashes  lash princess false lash effect mascara http://bit.ly/lashprincessfalselasheffectmascara  eyebrow stylist set 01 http://bit.ly/eyebrowstylistset1  make me brow eyebrow gel mascara 02 http://bit.ly/makemebroweyebrowgelmascara2  matt touch blush 20 http://bit.ly/matttouchblush020  go for the glow highlighter palette 01 http://bit.ly/gofortheglowhighlighterpalette012  colour boost mad about matte liquid lipstick 02 http://bit.ly/colourboostmadaboutmatteliquidlipstick2  shine shine shine wet look lipgloss 01 http://bit.ly/shineshineshinelipgloss01   let’s connect ❤  instagram: https://www.instagram.com/essence_cosmetics/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/essence-cosmetics-195136217626536/?brand_redir=139351150086 website: https://www.essence.eu essence tv: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1qDJVN8X_k2ln4V93UJqLg  follow our essence cosmetics’ team  Miriam https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZduLXaRUBZ1q963iamuFGA  Katrine  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChB9zP4xfD47zMIT2DvcoRQ   MB01F9UP877CIEN' 

Tags: beauty , cosmetics , makeup , Make up , eyeshadow , lipgloss , essence , essence cosmetics , lady gaga makeup , lady gaga makeup tutorial , lady gaga makeup look , golden globes 2019 , golden globes makeup , Lady Gaga golden globes , lady gaga golden globes 2019 , metallic eyes makeup , lady gaga golden globes makeup , lady gaga star is born , star is born golden globes , lady gaga metallic eyes , colourful metallic eyes , colourful metallic eyeshadow

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