'Storing Rice Long Term: DIY video, How to store rice long term! Some Tips and Tricks Folks.'

15:42 Nov 5, 2023
'Tips and Tricks on Storing Rice Long Term: To go with video from May 5, How to store rice long term! The right way! To help you out and answer some  of your Question from video. What to stock up on? Prepping For Coming Shortages?  How to get prepared for coming shortages due to Coronavirus, Covid, crop failures, and more.  Who knows what is coming?  Stock up on foods and supplies, all of the things you count on having.  My videos are to help the beginners to start to prepare for them and there family\'s! To Entertain you while you are learning! To have food, water and survival supplies on hand for any type of situations! To show you that even if you are on a budget, you can do this for you and your family. To give you knowledge as a beginner to succeed in preparedness for you and your family.To always bring you good tips and tricks! To also show you how I do things ( not that you have to do it that way) Also if I bring you any type of news I will only bring you news that i can back up with proof. All things that are brought up or talked about or reviews done on are my own Opinion on that particular subject. I ENCOURAGE all comments and different ideas to help all people.If you have a better way or tips on a subject please chime in Thank You!   ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ FoodSaver  http://amzn.to/2eJmuEx FoodSaver Mason Jar attachments  https://amzn.to/2PBxNyy Swing Away Can Opener  http://amzn.to/2uk2oGv 30 Day Food Bucket  https://amzn.to/35DgfKs Mountain House https://amzn.to/2HgxJ3u Pinto Beans  http://amzn.to/2kUEblx Toilet Paper  https://amzn.to/2M1UjPF Bucket Lid wrench opener  http://amzn.to/2gOROBy' 

Tags: Food , tips and tricks , To , how , best , Beginners , hurricane , storage , survival , emergency , shelter , how to survive , food theory , long term food storage , canned food , Preparedness , long term , short term food storage , alaska prepper , storing rice , emergency stockpile , Hurricane Prepardness , prepping for coming shortages , how to get more food , how to plan shtf survival , covid 19 redo missing supplies , what to stockpile now , How do i prepare for ....

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