'Cooking Oils: Long term food storage for preppers by Keith Iton'

'Cooking Oils: Long term food storage for preppers by Keith Iton'
09:38 Nov 18, 2023
'BEWARE OF SCAMMERS! I will not ask you for money.  The author of the book \"The Prepper and The Preacher\" discusses long term storage options for cooking oils. In an emergency food crisis human beings need an adequate supply of healthy oils to maintain optimum health, yet many preppers neglect storing cooking oils that won\'t go rancid. Brother Keith offers a few solutions!  For great coconut oil go to: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=coconut+oil&i=grocery&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=ur2&linkId=f99ea50c2a14f6e7a0c70e594702bdc8&tag=mriton1-20  I am not a government registered 501c charity. So please be advised, that there will not be any tax receipts if you choose to make a donation to this ministry. I humbly ask you to support the ministry only if the Lord leads you to.   For postal mail communication: P.O. Box 131 Peekskill, N.Y. 10566  My Bitcoin Wallet Address: 3HvDg12kRygfVeVNwvvmnjgsuDEwdEFcAV My paypal is [email protected]  Thank you for supporting my first book. It can be found on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Prepper-Preacher-Spiritual-Survival-Second/dp/1720657475/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1BZWKHICGK1MW&keywords=the+prepper+and+the+preacher&qid=1643582985&sprefix=the+prepper+and+the+preacher+%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1' 

Tags: Food , YouTube Capture , fats , storage , prepper , survival , emergency , Spirit , holy , oils , Pastor , preacher , judgement

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