'Trying INDIAN FOOD For The First Time!!'

09:16 Dec 4, 2023
'Hola mi amors!! Today I\'ll be trying Indian Food for the first time. Let me tell you.... IT GETS SPICY!!   Don\'t forget to SUBSCRIBE  My Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/patysiso/ https://www.tiktok.com/@pattycabrerasiso?_t=8XA3uaUF5Rb&_r=1 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086022892160  #indianfood #firsttimetrying  #patriciacabrera' 

Tags: mukbang , food review , Indian food , food blogger , best indian food , Indian food mukbang , miami food , trying indian food , first time trying , best indian food in miami , first time trying indian food , Best Indian food in my city , Patricia Cabrera , Patysiso

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