'#applesnail #thaistreetfoods #foodfair #asianstreetfoods #bangkokstreetfood #หอยโข่ง #หอยโข่งนา #AmazingThaiFood #หอยโข่งนึ่งน้ำจิ้มซีฟู้ด Red Cross Fair, Nonthaburi Period : 10-19 June 2022 In front of Leng Nei Yi Temple 2'
Tags: Thai Food , street food , asian street food , pet snails , asian food , food videos , street food videos , Thailand Street Food , thai street food , spicy food , best street food , Street food tour , snails , bangkok street food , street food in thailand , snail , cooking snail , eating snail , thai food cooking , Boiled Snail , amazing thai food , asian street food thai , giant african land snail , new thai street food , yummy snail bbq , cooking snail eating with hot chili sauce , งานกาชาด
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