'EVERY SINGLE PERSON HAS AN ADDICTION GOOD OR BAD! MOST PEOPLE THAT HAVE BAD ADDICTIONS DONT HAVE THE DISCIPLINE TO STOP! WHEN I HAD MY FOOD ADDICTION I TOLD MYSELF \"I CANT STOP\" I\'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO STOP\" SAYING THAT TO MYSELF HELD ME BACK FROM OVERCOMING IT! DONT FORGET TO SHARE THIS VIDEO! COMMENT WHAT ADDICTIONS YALL HAVE??? Background Music- I spoke to the devil in miami Instrumental What\'s good YouTube Mike here and in this video I talk about my food addiction story and how i overcame it! So if your new to my channel hit that subscribe button and leave a like on the video for more videos! #Motivation #addiction #foodaddiction FOLLOW MY SOCIALS IF YOU WANT!!! Snapchat-MikeTooReals https://twitter.com/MikeTooReals https://www.instagram.com/miketooreals Tiktok- https://www.tiktok.com/@mtr3.0 My CashApp- https://cash.app/$mikeywilly14 My MTR 2.0 Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4ZVxfvo26fCE7v8woiGTBw This Channel is FOR YOU to learn and Improve Yourself! Also If Your Reading This ily :]'
Tags: Food , motivational , spiritual , addiction , spirituality , self help , manifestation , food addiction , skits , self improvement , how to stop eating junk food , manifesting , Miketooreal , MTR 3.0 , food addiction story and how i overcame it , my food addiction story at 19 + how i stopped completely , my food addiction story at 19 , how i overcame my food addiction , how i overcame my food addiction at 19 , how to stop eating food
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