'Are you a snail farmer, looking for the best food for your snails fast growth, then i have you covered as i explained the various foods that are very vital in the growth of your snails as a snail farmer. Watching this video to the end, will give you the adequate knowledge on the different varieties of food to feed your snails for fast growth and good egg formation. #snailfarming #giantafricanlandsnail #snailcare GET MY E-BOOK ON SNAIL FARMING https://selar.co/8p1w GET OUR WELL FORMULATED CALCIUM FEED https://selar.co/7ij5 JOIN OUR FARMING TELEGRAM GROUP https://t.me/gozyfarms CHECK MY OTHER VIDEOS BELOW IMPORTANT OF CALCIUM FEEDS IN SNAIL FARMING https://youtu.be/ipBpeZcGCas HOW MUCH DO I NEED TO START A SNAIL FARM https://youtu.be/9o7ZC5EINE8 WHY YOUR SNAIL EGGS DON\'T HATCH https://youtu.be/5F9wp65jUk0 IS THERE MARKET FOR SNAILS https://youtu.be/KX4e-N-5qKY HOW TO FEED SNAILS PROPERLY https://youtu.be/t8JKzwZXmjc 5 THINGS YOU MUST KNOW BEFORE GOING INTO SNAIL FARMING https://youtu.be/K1FA9wpfNNI'
Tags: snails , snail , snail care , giant african land snail , snail farming , best food for snail fast growth , What food makes snails grow faster , How do you make snails grow bigger , best food for snail growth , how to feed snails to grow faster , best food for snails , giant african land snail care , What food is good for snails , best food for giant african land snail growth snails , How do you feed snails to grow , can snail eat bitter lea
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