'In this video, I practically taught how you can formulate your own Snail Calcium Feed using Egg shell. Snail Calcium Feed no doubt, is one of the most need feed supplement in snail farming and knowing how to successfully formulate your own feed, will definitely save you the cost of buying from others. If you watch this video till the end and follow my practical examples, you will know all it takes to formulate your own Snail Calcium Feed at ease. Kindly note that the Egg shell used in this video for the formulation of the Snail Calcium Feed is not the only ingredient that can be used for this production, and as a matter of fact, we still have other ingredient that saves this same purpose but for the sake of this video, we only used Egg shell for the formulation. #snail #snailcare #snailfeedformulation #mysterysnailcare CONTACT: +2348058324397 GET MY E-BOOK ON SNAIL FARMING https://selar.co/8p1w GET OUR WELL FORMULATED CALCIUM FEED https://selar.co/7ij5 JOIN OUR FARMING TELEGRAM GROUP https://t.me/gozyfarms'
Tags: snails , snail , egg shell , snail care , mystery snail care , snail feeds , snail farming , snail farming for beginners , snail farming in nigeria , how to make snail grow faster , Snail Calcium Feed , best source of calcium for snails? , bone mael , calcium for snails , snail calcium deficiency , snail calcium feed formulation , snail calcium supplement , snail feed formulations , sources of calcium for snails , how to formulate snail calcium feed , snail feed formulation , feeds for snails
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