'This video shows a delicious meal on street food near Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In terms of food, there are many things that can not be mentioned, such as #snails, #chicken rice, grilled fish, prahok... More importantly, we will have a pretty girl who guides us to there and introduces us to the recipe. ------------------------------------------------------- #Lylyentertainment #Streetfood រក្សាសិទ្ធិដោយ Lyly entertainment ទស្សនាលើយូធូប https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyajOX8XO5iGRnLvcyaIGjw *ហាមការយកទៅធ្វើអាជីវកម្មបន្តអ្នកដែលបំពានយើងនឹងធ្វើទៅតាមផ្លូវច្បាប់។ ------------------------------------------------------- ទស្សនារឿងនៅផ្ទះប្រឆាំងកូវីដ19 ! 01-កាត់បន្ថយទៅទីប្រជុំជន! 02-ពាក់ម៉ាស់អោយបានត្រឹមត្រូវ! 03-លាងសំអាតដៃអោយបានស្អាតជាមួយអាល់កុល រឺ សាប៊ូ ------------------------------------------------------ មានវីដែអូបន្ថែមរបស់ខ្ញុំនៅខាងក្រោម - Street food - Eating Crab Shrimp and Oyster - ក្រោយពីសម្រាកថត Link https://youtu.be/NVT5NGUS1SI - ឈុតក្រៅឆាក ស្លាប់ច្រើនណាស់ ប៉ូលីសធ្វើកំណត់ហេតុ Link https://youtu.be/OrCTCuyKj9Y - ឈុតក្រៅឆាកតែងមុខពិបាកទ្រាំណាស់ លីលី ជីជី បងខ្ញុង បងស្វែងសុជាតា វាយគ្នាសហាវ Link https://youtu.be/WRzLHqF23ls - នាងខ្ញុងលេពអាពីងទាំងរស់ - Lyly សម្តែងជាមួយឡើងព្រឺរោម - សកម្មភាពក្រៅឆាកLyly - behind the scene. Link https://youtu.be/jnrCsngbRIo - សកម្មភាពថតរឿងកូនក្រកបីខែ Link https://youtu.be/WoOWF9URulk - cooking snails - eat delicious snails - street food - ក្រោយសម្រាកថត Link https://youtu.be/_md338GOr64 ------------------------------------------------------- ✔ SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS ✔ ------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2021 YouTube Channel @Lyly Entertainment. Just helping for like click button and helping sharing my Video also Music and do not forget to subscribe my channel as well. And one more thing please do not copy my any Video for posting because i trying hard to do my Video so just helping for support and do not for copyright over for copyright Thanks.. --------------------------------------------------- \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \"'
Tags: Asian , street food , night market , snails , garden night market , vietnam street food , khmer food , eating Delicious , cooking snails , street food in Vietnam , snails cooking , Cooking 100 Snails for 3 People Family Dinner Meal , Cooking Whole Snails in Vietnam , cook snails , cook land snails , cook whole land snails , cooking snails in Vietnam , find and cooking snail in forest , Lyly entertainment , eat delicious snails
See also: