'Proudly based in the land of the cedars, my videos show the real Lebanon as not seen on TV... You are watching another video by NoGarlicNoOnions Our Projects: The Blog: http://www.NoGarlicNoOnions.com The Street Food Market: http://www.SoukelAkel.com The TV show: http://www.nogarlicnoonions.com/category/mechwar/ Follow us on Social Media: http://www.facebook.com/nogarlicnoonions http://www.instagram.com/nogarlicnoonions http://www.twitter.com/nogarlicnoonion'
Tags: tasty , Food , interesting , Eat , blog , culinary , holland , restaurants , amsterdam , street food market , nogarlicnoonions , around town , discoveries , food discoveries , mouthwatering , Lebanese blogger , anthony rahayel , no garlic no onions , ngno
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