'World of Food Amsterdam'

04:48 Jun 12, 2024
'New Amsterdam Calling Video-  World of Food is the biggest food hall in Amsterdam. What\'s really special are the different kinds of food on offer- all under one roof, which is a converted parking garage: Surinamese, Indonesian, Turkish, Indian, Pakistani, Armenian, Chinese, African, BBQ and more. Gessell and Jessica from A Wanderlust for Life travel blog travel to the southeastern part of the city and experience the savory flavors these creative chefs are dishing out. It\'s foodie heaven and the perfect place to try out new things.  To subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/user/acwebseries?sub_confirmation=1  Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=5406817  Website: http://www.acwebseries.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AmsterdamCalling Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AmCallWebseries Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/amscalling  World of Food http://www.worldoffoodamsterdam.nl Jessica and A Wanderlust for Life http://www.awanderlustforlife.com  Music Opening: \"Groovy Baby\" by http://www.Audionautix.com           Closing: \"Hola, Hola  Bossa Nova\" by Juanitos           (http://www.juanitos.net) \"Cumbia Chicana\" by Mr. Juan http://www.juanitos.net All used under Creative Commons License http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0' 

Tags: girls , Food , Travel , dutch , college , food tips , holland , vloggers , food court , restaurants , bloggers , amsterdam , Amsterdam food , patreon , Video Blog (Website Category) , Restaurant (Industry) , world food , Street Food (Cuisine) , dining out , food hall , Video Clip (Media Genre) , Web Series (TV Genre) , Netherlands (Country) , street food amsterdam , Amsterdam Street Food , amsterdam food market , places to eat in amsterdam , Amsterdam Restaurant Tips , restaurants amsterdam , going out amsterdam

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