'Food Processing Business in UP | How to start Food Processing Business | Business Ideas | Corpbiz'

05:19 Jul 30, 2024
'we are going to talk about how this plan will help Uttar Pradesh and the nation… Uttar Pradesh is one of the biggest farming states of India, major crops of our state are paddy, wheat, bajra, and barley… Let’s understand it for example wheat from farms is processed in factories or chakkis to give us flour from which we make chapatis, etc. at home. It also includes the process of value addition to produce products through methods such as preservation, the addition of food additives, drying, etc. to preserve food substances effectively, and enhance their shelf life and quality. The #food  #processing  Industry (FPI) is of enormous significance as it provides vital linkages and synergies that it promotes between the two pillars of the economy, i.e. agriculture and industry.  • Employment Generation: It provides direct and indirect employment opportunities because it acts as a bridge between Agriculture and Manufacturing. • Doubling of farmers’ income: With the rise in demand for agri-products there will be a rise in the price paid to the farmer, thereby increasing the #business  . • Reduce malnutrition: Processed foods when fortified with vitamins and minerals can reduce the nutritional gap in the population. • Reduce food wastage: UN estimates that 40% of production is wasted. Similarly, NITI Aayog estimated annual post-harvest losses of close to Rs 90,000 crore. With a greater thrust on proper sorting and grading close to the farm gate, and diverting extra produce to FPI, this wastage could also be reduced, leading to better price realization for farmers. • Boosts Trade and Earns Foreign exchange: It is an important source of foreign exchange. For e.g. Indian Basmati rice is in great demand in Middle Eastern countries. • Curbing Migration: Food processing being a labor-intensive industry will provide localized employment opportunities and thus will reduce the push factor in source regions of migration. India’s food processing sector is one of the largest in the world and its output is expected to reach US$ 535 billion by 2025-26. This sector is expected to generate 9 million jobs by 2024. The Indian food industry is expanding at a CAGR of 11% and the food processing sector accounts for 32% of the total food industry. India’s food sector attracted US$ 4.18 billion in foreign direct investments between April 2014 and March 2020. By 2030, Indian annual household consumption is expected to triple, making India the fifth-largest consumer in the world. These were the facts and numbers but what were the key growth drivers in this sector-here is growth in the organized food retail sector and an increase in urbanization. MSMEs are playing a vital role in India’s food processing chain through various advancements in skills and technology. The online food ordering business in India is witnessing exponential growth. There is high demand for packaged, healthy, and immunity booster snacks such as roasted nuts, popcorns, and roasted pulses. There is a shift in focus from loose to branded packaging. The government’s ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ initiative places priority on this sector and offers support through various policies. So this was all about the food processing industry the trends & the facts. Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh on Thursday disclosed the details of this plan. That this year under the Prime Minister\'s Micro Food Industries Upgradation Scheme they have planned to set up at least 100 new food processing units in every district of the state. The major objective of this is to make the people employable and self-reliant, the establishment of food processing industries should be encouraged more and more, so that more and more people may get employment. the horticulture and Food Processing department officials are already on their toes to make this initiative a success and are asked to organize exhibitions and seminars at the district level every month. At last, he added that they aim to make UP a trillion-dollar state in the next five years. It’s a great initiative and everything looks good on paper but the ground reality is different but we will always be optimistic and keep looking forward to a better future. So this was all about the topic for more such content keep watching corpbiz   Phone:- 7838392800 Email:- info@corpbiz.io  Want to know more about #Corpbiz​?  Subscribe to our Corpbiz channel to get the latest updates, tips, and help. https://bit.ly/3w7AFJ5  Website: https://corpbiz.io​ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/corpbizhq​ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/corpbizhq​ Instagram: http://instagram.com/corpbizhq LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/corpbizhq' 

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