'Shokugeki no Soma: Food Wars The Third Plate Ep. 12: One Who Stands On The Summit Review'

'Shokugeki no Soma: Food Wars The Third Plate Ep. 12: One Who Stands On The Summit Review'
22:44 Aug 29
'My anime review of Shokugeki no Soma: Food Wars The Third Plate episode 12 and a very tiny overview of season 3. And yes I changed \"Dish\" to \"Plate\" since that was the correct title.  The Socials: https://www.facebook.com/marlon.espinoza.98--Facebook https://twitter.com/UndeadMarlon--Twitter https://www.instagram.com/queens_savior/--Instagram' 

Tags: Live , chapter , reaction , Anime , manga , food wars , jetstreambrawl

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