'===================== ++ DESCRIPTION ===================== Sydney, Australia annually holds a fantastic event for all us foodie lab pals out there called FOOD & WINE SHOW. Funny enough I never knew about this until this year even though I grew up here. It was thanks to my amazing friend Sarah who had some free tickets from work inviting me to tag along with her to join her on this food adventure. Join me on this awesome trip to see the kind of stalls this show had to offer :D ===================== ++ INSTAGRAM ===================== http://instagram.com/sugarylab ===================== ++ MUSIC ===================== + Laszlo - Fall to Light Free Download @ http://bit.ly/laszlo_falltolight'
Tags: Food , vlog , reviews , event , beer , Sydney , 2016 , trips , blog , Adventures , wine , wine tasting , cider , paella , Festivals , food talk , food stalls , Miguel Maestre , sugary lab , food and wine show , giant paella , oregano bakery , coffee liquer
See also: