'If you are a youtuber and you would love to start getting paid for your videos just click this link and join fullscreen network !!http://apply.fullscreen.net/?ref=noemiicase ********************* Hey Rousee , I\'m just a weirdo loca girl who loves to talk in front of a camera all day I like to make people laugh but I\'m not a comedian tho I would love to take you on a ride to my world let\'sss goooo ...I MAKE NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEEK SO STAY TUNED ;) OK so let me shut up now ****************** Contact me : Instagram : @Saraygonzalezz @isaraygonzalez Facebook : Saray Gonzalez Tumblr : Saraygonzalezc.tumblr.com Vine : Saray Gonzalez ***********************'
Tags: school , video , Natural , Music , lesson , blonde , instagram , of , hair , Cover , snapchat , high , superwoman , vloggers , town , birds , natural hair journey , lilly , are , big chop journey , types , forever , shameless maya , learned , Gonzalez , bad luck , latoyaslife , sihgn , chirping , sch , saray , Latoya , natural blond curly hair , natural sistera , Saray gonzalez , ask superwoman , kinky curly braids
See also: