Jun 20, 2021
'DIY ROOM DECOR THE FLASH INSPIRED TINTED MASON JAR LIGHT :) I was perusing Netflix the other day, and I stumbled upon \"The Flash\" and I must say it gets two big thumbs up from yours truly. I still got some catching up to do, and I know I\'m a behind the curve, but better late than never, right?? Anyhoot cahoot, I was brainstorming my next DIY project and then it hit me like lightning! *Wink wink \"The Flash\" Tinted Mason Jar Light! I think it\'s pretty cool, and I really hope you guys do too! Lemme know what you think! P.S. Sorry for the weird lighting. It was good in like one shot \'cos I started filming in the daytime, but then I had to run some errands and didn\'t get back \'till after dark. Hence, the wonky lighting in the later clips. Hope it wasn\'t too much of a bother though! Questions/Suggestions/Concerns? Leave me some words below and I\'ll get back to you ASAP! Please join me on this virtual island getaway by subscribing, and while you\'re at it, clicky clicky the thumbs up button! Much appreciated, peeps! As always, THANK YOU so much for watching! Until next time, Nokturanlites, Goodnight & Good Luck! :) Tools & Materials: -Popsicle Stick (or something to mix your concoction) -\"The Flash\" Logo/Pictures -Two Cups -Red Food Coloring -Gold Paint -Mason Jar -Sponge Brush -Acrylic Spray Sealer -Mini Battery Operated Lights (or battery operated tea light) -Mod Podge (Gloss; Optional: Glow-in-the-Dark) -Rubbing Alcohol -Paper Towel (or q-tips) -Newspaper (or manila folder or paper plate or something to lay your jar on) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSIC: Intro & Outro - \"Take a Chance\" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Background - #1: Dutty - Vibe Tracks #2: Gaslamp Funworks by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100826 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ #3: If I Had a Chicken - Kevin MacLeod ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: This video is not sponsored.'See also: