'Food Trip #2: Kebab Konner Baguio City'

'Food Trip #2: Kebab Konner Baguio City'
07:52 Jun 20, 2021
'Today, we go on another food trip, this time to a restaurant that is commonly passed in Session Road, Baguio City called Kebab Konner. Due to curiosity, we checked out the Restaurant.  Leave a like and comment suggestion on places to go! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media Links: Facebook: www.facebook.com/MeLowML Twitter: www.twitter.com/MeLowML ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Production Music by www.epidemicsound.com' 

Tags: Food , vlog , adventure , indian , trip , Indian food , Food Vlog , baguio , middle east , kebab , eats , food trip , middle eastern food , food adventure , Baguio City , baguio eats , Konner , MeLowML

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