'In bengali cuisine lau er kofta recipe is one among best summer veg recipe that we’ve and it is a requirement to incorporate them in your diet. There are numerous ways we\'ll make this recipe but today we will make this bengali style kofta curry recipe with curd. . We’ve listed every ingredient at the end of this bottle gourd kofta curry recipe video . On this channel we’ve regularly uploaded a lot of bengali style village food recipes video and from this today’s lauer kofta recipe in Bengali language you\'ll easily understand how to make niramish lauer kofta curry recipe. So viewers please watch this lau er kofta bengali style recipe and enjoy. If you would like to urge regularly update on cooking recipes videos in bengali language , Please don’t forget to subscribe kitchen of sanchita channel. So viewers stay save , stay healthy and keep watching kitchen of sanchita. #louerkofta #koftacurry #kitchenofsanchita #bengalirecipe Topic Covered:- lau er kofta kari, niramish lau er kofta curry, lau er kofta bengali style, lau er kofta curry, With Thanks and Regards, Sanchita.'
Tags: How to make , bottle gourd kofta curry , bengali style kofta curry , lauer kofta recipe in Bengali , niramish lauer kofta curry recipe , lau er kofta bengali style , cooking recipes videos in bengali language , kitchen of sanchita , lauer kofta curry , niramish lauer kofta bengali recipe , lau er kofta bengali village style , bengali style bottle gourd kofta curry recipe , লাউয়ের কোফতা কারি , bangladeshi lau ranna , recipes in Bengali , recipes in bengali language , lau er kofta curry recipe
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