'Get 30% off on Cambly using link / code below Discount url https://www.cambly.com/en/student/subscribe?promoCode=anagha30 (code - anagha30) This video showcases all the amazing Balinese (Indonesian) dishes that we tried during our 10 days trip to Bali, Indonesia. You will get to know, what to expect, when you are in this Paradise! DO SUBSCRIBE LIKE SHARE COMMENT
Tags: how to , Food , How to cook , How to make , indian youtuber , street food , food vlogger , indonesian street food , best street food in the world , Anagha Mirgal , Indian Food Vlogger , indonesian food , chicken satay , bali food , Bakso , Nasi Goreng , vietnamese rolls , chicken satay recipe , Nasi Campur , Bali STREET food , indonesian recipes , Bubur Injin , How to make chicken Satay , Indians trying Indonesian food
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