'Create Appetizing Pictures of Food with Charlie McDonald'

'Create Appetizing Pictures of Food with Charlie McDonald'
57:54 Jul 15, 2021
'In episode 17, Peggy Farren and Charlie McDonald discuss food photography for the travel photographer using either a cell phone camera or a DSLR.    Check out this episode at: http://www.understandphotography.com/episode-17-show-notes-food-photography-ft-charlie-mcdonald/  Each episode of The Understand Photography Show broadcasts live every Friday and is then available as a podcast. Check out past episodes of our show, including show notes at www.understandphotography.com.  You can watch us live on Fridays at 4 pm ET on www.facebook.com/understandphotography. Be sure to LIKE our page while you are there!  Click here to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes!  https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/landscape-photography-ft./id1189377019?i=1000379255578&mt=2' 

Tags: interview , Photographer , food photography , travel photography , cell phone photography , Understand Photography , Understand Photography Show , Peggy Farren , Charlie McDonald

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