'Health Drink Powder To Increase Hemoglobin Level / NILA\'S CUISINE'

03:20 Jul 18, 2021
'Homemade Health Drink Mix To Increase Hemoglobin Level / NILA\'S CUISINE  My measurements: 1 cup - 250 ml BEETROOT MALT / Health drink powder for increasing the heamoglobin level and improving memory.. Do Try This Homemade Health Drink Mix And Be Healthy And Strong My Measurements: 1 cup = 250 ml  Notes:  * Use Iron tawa for more nutritional benefits * Use brown sugar / naatu sarkkarai or jaggery.. Dont add white sugar * For 1/2 kg beetroot you have to add 1/2 kg brown sugar... In this i have reduced the sugar amount to 300 g since we can edd extra sugar while mixing in the milk.. * Once the mixture is ready immediately keep it under the fan..   More Recipes:  Homemade kESAR BADAM Complan Recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6ZZ47eIq_0&t=8s  Soup For improving the immunity and eyesight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iF2EB3mdMAk&t=15s  Miracle Juice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujB24G2E3cw&t=4s  Calcium Balls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UD9PAzMeh5I&t=50s  Healthy Energy Bar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VIxJDzgapI&t=23s  Sesame Balls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzEbwbW-R6U&t=28s MUSIC CREDITS: BeatbyShahed youtube.com/c/djshahmoneybeatz facebook.com/beatbyshahed@djshahmoneybeatz instagram.com/imshahed  Plz Visit ::  My Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Nilascuisine/ My Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/nilascuisine/ My Blog: https://nilascuisine.blogspot.com/ #beetrootmalt #howtoincreasehemoglobin #beeteootpowder' 

Tags: Recipe , How to make , health drink , how to boost immunity , beetroot powder , hemoglobin increase food , how to increase hemoglobin , immunity boosting foods , hemoglobin rich foods , how to increase hemoglobin level quickly , nilascuisine , food to increase haemoglobin , beetroot malt recipe , homemade health drink powder , beetroot health drink , increase haemoglobin , food to control blood pressure , food to improve immunity , health drink powder for kids , homemade boost recipe

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