'Junk food is a slang word for foods with limited nutritional value and a high level of sugar, salts, fats and calories. Every person has their own list of foods that they call junk foods. Salted snack foods, burgers, pizzas, fries, candy, gum, most sweet desserts, fried fast food and carbonated beverages are some of the major junk foods. Generally, they offer little in terms of protein, vitamins or minerals and lots of calories from sugar or fat. Reference Books: ---------------------------- http://fkrt.it/aihDL4uuuN http://fkrt.it/a~V5T4uuuN http://fkrt.it/OPn04PNNNN http://fkrt.it/OZ1d4PNNNN http://fkrt.it/aiE6n4uuuN #junkfood, #obesity, #fastfood, #health, #foodporn, #nutrition, #junkpolitics, #diet, #debate, #pros, #cons, #pros&cons, #disease, #bannedfoods, #pooreating, #healthyhabit, #eatfruits, #healthylife, #foodrestriction, #banjunkfood'
Tags: disadvantages , diet , fast food , Disease , obesity , healthy life , debate , Health Problems , healthy habit , Child Diet , effects of junk foods , nutritious eating , types of junk food , banned foods , pros and cons of junk food in schools , pros and cons of fast food , pros and cons of healthy food , should junk food be allowed in schools , benefits of fast food in schools , stomach problem , Damage to liver and heart , poor eating habit , eat fruits , ban junk food , food restrictions
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