'Consider this your delicious two-day eating itinerary for Baguio! Visit our website for more food news, stories, and recipes: http://www.yummy.ph/ Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2gZNwGB Follow/Like YummyPh on social media: https://www.facebook.com/yummymagazine https://instagram.com/yummyph https://twitter.com/yummyph https://www.pinterest.com/yummyph'
Tags: yummy , Travel , baguio , food guide , Yummy Ph , Baguio City , Yummy magazine , Baguio Food , where to eat in baguio , baguio itinerary , food itinerary , baguio city tourist spots , travel to baguio , baguio tourist spots , guide to baguio , Yummy Eats
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