'Oscar\'s Oasis - Work For Your Food | HQ | Funny Cartoons'

'Oscar\'s Oasis - Work For Your Food | HQ | Funny Cartoons'
03:05 Aug 12, 2021
'Finding food in the desert can be very hard, and so Oscar has to work hard for his food. Running from crocodiles, stealing from Popy, Harchi and Buck, or wrestling Lizzardette. It\'s all in a days work for Oscar to get a meal!  ► Subscribe for a new Oscar’s Oasis video every week: http://bit.ly/OscarOasisSub   ► Choose another Oscar’s Oasis episode: http://bit.ly/OscarOasisGang  ► Keep up with Oscar on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oscaroasisTV/   ----  When you’re a lonely lizard in an unforgiving environment, life can be tough. It can seem the entire world is against you. In the case of Oscar, a rather forlorn desert denizen, it often is.  Produced by TeamTO.' 

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