03:32 Aug 21, 2021
'Note that I do NOT own these voices. These voices are owned by the rightful owners. I post this for future voices available in game. If this video is asked to be taken down, I won\'t hesitate to do so!  Like and subscribe to see more gaming contents. I also do drawing tutorials so please do check those if you want to improve your drawing. I\'m Nekogitsune, Peace out!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Check the wiki! https://food-fantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Turkey Drawing tutorials! Face: https://youtu.be/6EZmBhq3bKo Eyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fgkU...  Find me on other medias! -Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/_nekogitsune_ -Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nekogitsune -Twitter : https://twitter.com/Nekogitsune1 -DeviantArt : https://www.deviantart.com/nekogitsunexx -E-mail : nekogitsune22@gmail.com  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Everything used in this video!  Music: Intro. Light - Sappheiros : https://soundcloud.com/sappheirosmusic (Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported  — CC BY 3.0 ) Outro. The Jazz Piano : https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free...  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  About me just in case!  Q: What is your gender? A: I\'m a boy :)  Q: What is your occupation? A: I live in Indonesia.  Q: How many languages can you speak? A: I am able to speak Indonesia as it is my native language, English, Melayu, a little bit of Japanese, and currently learning Korean. I can\'t read Japanese and Korean letters yet though.  Q: Are you more of an otaku or k-fever? A: Maybe otaku, but I don\'t really watch much anime now.  Q: What games you play? A: I currently play Mobile Legends, Soccer Spirits, Food Fantasy, and Cookie Run. I currently active the most in Soccer Spirits, Food Fantasy, and Cookie Run.  Q: What is your real name? A: You\'ll know soon enough hee hee...  Thank you and have a nice day!' 

Tags: game , japan , turkey , voice over , anime game , food fantasy , food game , Tsundere , weaboo game , japan game , japanese voice over , japanese game , food fantasy japanese voice over , new food soul , husbando game , elix , food fantasy white truffle , food fantasy ikemen

See also:
