'Liz Zorab from Byther Farm explains how she produces 85% of her annual food. She tells us what she grows in terms of crops, what she substitutes to replace the food she cannot grow, plus what she preserves, and stores for the year. She also us talks about some of her tested techniques that make this garden as low maintenance as possible for one person to manage. Liz has done all this after acquiring a bare, compacted field with virtually no top soil four years ago and turning it into a lush, productive market garden in just two years. She grows enough food for herself and her partner and runs a little CSA. Her garden is so successful that she no longer needs to go out to work. Liz has a fantastic YouTube channel with lots of useful, practical videos all about her garden and how she grows food, so please check out: https://www.youtube.com/c/LizZorab For more from Liz, check out her article in PM104 Summer 2020 with details of what she grows all year: https://www.permaculture.co.uk/subscribe For info on permaculture, and how it can help you live a natural, ethical and earth-friendly lifestyle, visit: https://www.permaculture.co.uk Music by kind permission of Tygermylk http://tygermylk.com/'
Tags: vegetables , Food , fruit , Organic , self sufficient , gardening , micro , permaculture , growing , Grow Food , Grow Your Own , smallholding , raised beds , no dig , forest garden
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