'As they say... You are what you eat. Correct and healthy diet practices can go a long way in treating your PCOD and keeping it under control forever. There is always a lot of confusion around diet. A lot of you requested many times for a diet plan. So here it is. This diet plan is sure to help you in reversing your PCOD. So, be patient, follow it with your best intention, and do not forget to exercise well and work on your stress.. we are coming with a lot of relevant PCOD tips shortly... stay tuned. \'MAITRI\' is going to be your friend and guide in your journey towards health. We will talk about gynecology, women\'s health, pregnancy, health in Corona and COVID -19 times, Yoga at home, fitness, diet, PCOD, and much more! Please subscribe, like, and share! Follow me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maitriwoman/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maitriwoman Business Enquiries ONLY: contact@maitriwoman.com My daughter: Sejal Kumar: https://www.youtube.com/user/sejalkumar7 Shot and edited by Arista Motion Pictures - https://instagram.com/arista.motion.pictures?igshid=1j4aojqbnb7mj See you soon!'
Tags: Healthy Food , doctor , PCOS , pcod , indian diet , pcod problem , pcos diet , pcos diet plan , gynaecologist , what is pcod , pcos diet plan for weight loss , pcod diet plan for weight loss , pcod diet , pcod diet plan , indian diet for pcod , indian diet plan for pcos , indian diet plan for pcos weight loss , pcod symptoms , which food to eat for pcod , pcod food diet , pcos food diet , indian diet plan for pcod , dr anjali kumar , maitri , sejal mom , pcod food to avoid , food intake for pcod
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