'Skyline Chili recipe: Secret Ingredient Hiding in Plain Sight? BEST Skyline Copycat Recipe Available'

'Skyline Chili recipe: Secret Ingredient Hiding in Plain Sight? BEST Skyline Copycat Recipe Available'
15:28 Sep 14, 2021
'Skyline Chili recipe is in the video starting at 1:45. This is the most serious attempt at copying Skyline Chili\'s secret recipe available out there so far.  Link to article about the Skyline factory and procedure: https://industrytoday.com/red-hot-chili-makers/ Link to buy the canned stuff for taste comparison (I do get a small affiliate commission): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001M0G204/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B001M0G204&linkCode=as2&tag=eliterecipeso-20&linkId=5cd281ecc98cfd84cae2cdb309d376a1' 

Tags: Recipe , Secret , ingredient , skyline , Cincinnati , Chili

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