'This is how restaurants decide who gets their food first. SUBSCRIBE to Comedy Central Originals: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNVBYBxWj9dMHqKEl_V8HBQ?sub_confirmation=1 LATEST from Above Average Playlist: http://bit.ly/1BVdMFs ==== Cast & Credits Kim - Sunita Mani Malcolm - Evan Hoyt Thompson Chef - Dan Chamberlain Waiter - Brian Faas Waitress - Becky Chicoine Line Cook 1 - Andy Bustillos Link Cook 2 - Caroline Cotter Background: Holly Jian Rebecca Genève Saima Huq Directors - Andrew Ford & Steven Levine Writer - Andrew Ford Producer - Kelly Harper DP - Kenny Wu 1st AC - Stephen Mucci Gaffer - Ariel Nehorayoff Sound - James Leggero HMU - Brad Laskey Production Coordinator - Louis Caggiano Production Coordinator - Courtaney Craig PA - Brandon Zingone Editor - Dan Ferrara Assistant Editor - Kayla Gibson Special Thanks to Virginia\'s'
Tags: comedy , Chef , funny , sketch , RESTAURANT , rating , customers , yelp , bad date , cilantro , Waiter , restaurant service , annoying people , above average , bad customers , broadway video , bad restaurant service , negative reviews , worst customers
See also: