'Check me out on Instagram: www.instagram.com/oiko.eco/ Here\'s the video of me catching the catfish that we\'re frying today: https://youtu.be/mcL3ICmhkp0 ****************************************** Frying up some catfish on the grill today. Wife and kids detest the smell of fish in the house so all of my fish cooking is done on the grill. No problem! This is an extremely easy way to fry fish. It only takes about 10 minutes from start to finish and then enjoy! Instead of making my own fish breading, I\'m using Andy\'s fish breading which is super cheap (less than $2.00 in the store) and it\'s actually really good! Enjoy! ********************** How to cook catfish How to fry catfish frying catfish on the grill'
Tags: Cooking , fish , grill , catfish , cooking catfish , how to fry fish , frying fish , grilling fish , frying catfish , how to fry catfish , how to cook catfish , frying catfish on the grill , frying fish on the grill , Andy's Fish Breading , Cooking fish on the grill , cooking catfish on the grill
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