'facebook.com/40millionviews twitter.com/40millionviews LYRICS : flukluptup, do you want something to eat? you see ok so lets go i wanna give you my money my money X 4 yes he want to give you money ee... flukluptup no but ok ok give him some money ok, so i want you to put some rice, and tomatoes, and maybe some potatoes, and i want a lil a little bit of lemon maybe i wanna give you my money my money X 4 flukluptup im trying to order flukluptup but, but y but you already said that awww... flukluptup i wanna give you my money my money X 4 ok so i want a little bit of maybe pepper, and a little bit of salt, and maybe if you can put some ee.. cucumbers, and lattice lattice and. i wanna give you my money my money X 4 flukluptup. please, im trying to order here no, you already said that awww flukluptup.... awwww ok i want maybe, a little bit of of carrots and avocado , and maybe maybe you put some a... you have.. i wanna give you my money my money X 4 awww flukluptup! its not nice! but im trying to order fluk... awww but im hungry flupluptup i wanna give you my money my money X 4 ok e.... so. ee.. how much it will be? oh but. but i have not money... flukluptup? maybe you have some money? flukluptup? where did he go? flupluptup?? awwwwwwwwww.......'
Tags: Food , funny , you , Money , my , views , 40 , million , give , wanna , 40millionviews
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