'15+ Marketing Tricks Each Store Uses'

'15+ Marketing Tricks Each Store Uses'
09:05 Oct 5, 2021
'Everything in a store is designed to make you part with your savings. Marketers use your sense of smell, sight, and sound to get you to spend more money. But that\'s not all. Stores aren\'t above using dirty psychological tricks to manipulate you. Let\'s have a look at the most popular ones!   Other videos you might like: 11 Secrets Advertisers Don’t Want You to Know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_cteJeyVC8& 10 Facts Movie Theaters Don\'t Want You to Know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szOH0ehAkAY& 19 Simple Psychological Tricks That Actually Work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4tWdTmYZoM&   TIMESTAMPS: - Prices ending in “.99” 0:30 - Music that is slower than your heartbeat 0:54 - Huge “sale” signs in their windows 1:13 - Loyalty cards 1:29 - Discounted goods 1:43 - Bogus coupons 2:08 - Luring you with candy 2:30 -  “Limited-time offer” 2:50 - Reducing the volume of packaging 3:05 - Discounts that are easy to calculate 3:24 - Bright colors 3:45 - Confusing store design 4:00 - Putting pricier items at eye level 4:38 - The trick of bulk pricing 5:24 - Free shipping 5:52 - Guaranteed refund 6:08 - Rude salespeople  

Tags: shopping , retailers , save your money , bogo , loyalty cards , marketing tricks , cheap marketing tricks , dirty marketing tricks , Buy one , get one free , the left-digit effect , music in stores , human psychology , discounted goods , bogus coupons , bright colors in stores

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