'If you’re living in the UK, surely an apple imported from NZ has a bigger carbon footprint than one grown at home? Not necessarily, because factors at every stage of a food’s life cycle contribute to its overall carbon footprint, not just transport. Now, thanks to technology, measuring a food’s total carbon emissions is becoming easier, and carbon labeling is gathering momentum. ► To learn more, visit our website - https://foodrevolution.ft.com/ ► Watch more videos from this series here - https://bit.ly/30WT7qx ► Subscribe to our channel - http://bit.ly/2POLnkE ► Check out our Community tab for more stories on the economy. ► Listen to our podcasts: https://www.ft.com/podcasts ► Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/financialtimes'
Tags: Business , INTERNATIONAL NEWS , finance news , business news , brexit , global news , Financial Times , food production , ft , finance analysis , emissions , carbon cost , carbon foodprint , carbon labelling
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