'How To Increase Your Hemoglobin Level With Ironwealthy Foods / Increase Vitamin C'

'How To Increase Your Hemoglobin Level With Ironwealthy Foods /  Increase Vitamin C'
02:04 Nov 2, 2021
'How to Improve Your Hemoglobin Level.  Eat IronWealthy Foods. Good quality ironbased foods are liver, steak, shrimp, tofu, green spinach, almonds, dates, lentils, prepared cereals, almonds, oysters and asparagus. You may also take an iron supplement. Talk to your physician for that correct dosage as high doses of iron could be dangerous for your body.  Increase Vitamin C Intake. Eat foods wealthy in Vitamin C like papaya, oranges, lemon, bananas, peppers, broccoli, grapefruit, tomatoes and green spinach. You may also take Vitamin C supplements after talking to your physician.  Take Folate. Good quality food causes of folate are ecofriendly leafy vegetables, liver, Rice, sprouts, peas, wheat germ, prepared cereals, peanuts, bananas, broccoli and liver. You may also take 200 to 400 milligrams of the folate supplement daily after talking to your physician.  Beetroots. Prepare one to two beetroots with their peels inside a microwave or roast them around the stove. Allow them to cool and peel them before eating. You are able to make a healthy juice with 1 medium sized beetroot, 3 carrots and 1/2 of the yams. Drink it once daily.  Apples. Get your meals at least 1 apple (if at all possible, go for ecofriendly apples) using its skin daily. You may also make a glass of juice by mixing 1/2 cup all of any fruit juice and beetroot juice. Give a little Ginger or fresh lemon juice and drink it two times daily.    DISCLAIMER : This  youtube channel videos are  related to health and beauty information. the main aim of this channal is to advice most common health issues and beauty technics  with are low cast and can overcome with avilable sources.  we are not professional advisers, we always try to make video true to experiance of prefession.  My try to give you the best information. All the content published in our channel is our own creativity.' 

Tags: hemoglobin food list , how to increase hemoglobin in a week , how to increase blood in body by fruits , hemoglobin food vegetarian , food to increase hemoglobin fast , how to increase hemoglobin level quickly , how to increase hemoglobin in hindi , when hemoglobin is low what to eat? , How to Improve Your Hemoglobin Level. , Eat IronWealthy Foods. , Increase Vitamin C Intake. , Take Folate. , Beetroots. , Apples.

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