'Low Budget Diet Plan for Weight Gain | Yatinder Singh'

07:41 Nov 11, 2021
'Weight gain is one of the major challenges for many people. However, proper nutrition along with correct workout pattern definitely helps you in achieving the goal.  It is a misconception that you have to spend a lot if you want to gain weight, however, it is not completely true. To help you out with this, here is a video where I have tried to explain full-day meals in a low budget. It does not mean that there is any compromise with nutrition. All the macros and micros have been taken care of.  Do watch the video full and don\'t forget to like the video and comment down your questions and queries.   For more videos related to motivation, fitness, workout, muscles, nutrition, bodybuilding, etc., Do subscribe to our channels:  YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/YatinderSinghOfficial Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Yatindersinghofficial Insta: https://www.instagram.com/yatindersingh_official  Top 5 Supplements for Muscle Building: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3ZHKQThuiM  Best Way to Gain Weight Fast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoXEUreq56E _______________________________________________________________________  Alpino Organic Peanut Butter Available at:  Amazon https://www.amazon.in/Alpino-Natural-Peanut-Butter-Smooth/dp/B07C5S3KHG?tag=goo ginhydr18418-21  Flipkart https://www.flipkart.com/alpino-crunch-peanut-butter-1-kg/p/itmf2tjbz7ptque8?gclid=Cjw KCAjwxOvsBRAjEiwAuY7L8j1fiuhnG26ffw-33qPlEgxKZhUTtG7MxUsXIhsf2BEgQDy_7jI -hBoCfG0QAvD_BwE&pid=JASF2SKYNYDSMBNE&lid=LSTJASF2SKYNYDSMBNEVD CYTL&marketplace=FLIPKART&cmpid=content_jam-spread_8965229628_gmc_pla&tgi =sem,1,G,11214002,g,search,,301238394426,1o1,,,c,,,,,,,&ef_id=CjwKCAjwxOvsBRAjEi wAuY7L8j1fiuhnG26ffw-33qPlEgxKZhUTtG7MxUsXIhsf2BEgQDy_7jI-hBoCfG0QAvD_B wE:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!739!3!301238394426!!!g!344160319185!  HealthKart https://www.healthkart.com/brand/alpino?navKey=BR-2523  Neulife.com https://www.neulife.com/alpino  BigBasket https://www.bigbasket.com/pd/40145304/alpino-natural-smooth-peanut-butter-unsweete ned-1-kg/?z=MzE0OTkyNTYwMQ&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campa ign=Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar-PLA/&gclid=CjwKCAjwxOvsBRAjEiwAuY7L8uNYYlL1rZr uNAqKHrvytuI8uG3Uuwvs-xH9t-W6rDFZNjwm2XNNARoCA9sQAvD_BwE  alpino.store https://alpinohealthfoods.com/' 

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