'Hello mga Kasimanwa! Welcome to our 8th Vlog! In this Vlog, we\'re gonna share with you Mommy Vanj\'s first attemp of solo Vlog (Hahaha so many Bloopers) Here we\'re gonna share with you an easy steps and recipes in making Munchkin at Home that kids and adults will surely love. Come and have fun with us! Munchkin (Choco Butternut) ala Lopez Fam Ingredients: For Choco balls 1 pack Fudgee bar or chocolate cake trimming 500g For Coating: 1 cup of all purpose flour 2 tbsp of butter 1 tbsp of food coloring (mix with water) 1 /4 cup white sugar For Chocolate ganache: 1/4 cup of unsweet cocoa powder 1/4 cup of white sugar 6 tbsp of evaporated milk. Procedures and steps just follow on the video we provided. Thanks and Enjoy! Location: Home, E.B.Magalona Negros Occidental Don\'t forget to Like, Comment, Share, and Subscribe or Connect with us with our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ThirdeeLopezChannel Share the Love and Godbless everyone! Subscribe and hit the notification bell for more Family, Food, and Fun adventure. And if you haven\'t watched our previous Vlog, here\'s the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWdsF-oWBzo&t=39s and enjoy!
Tags: #Munchkin #ChocoButternut
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